Pastors and Elders

Senior Pastor Todd Blanton


Elder & Senior Pastor

Todd is a founding member and Senior Pastor at The Remnant. He has a passion for people to know who Jesus is, and who they are in Him. He oversees the vision and direction of the church in it’s desire to exemplify The Remnant’s “Pillars”—Outreach, Community, and Discipleship. Teaching with passion, boldness, and real-life application, Todd has a desire for people to be freed from sinful patterns, to live intentionally and to BE ON MISSION. He wants people to know that no one is outside God’s grace and that no matter how far you’ve wandered, God is always willing to bring you “home”. In his own words, “We live in a time when people are frantic and searching for anything to give them ‘life‘ and purpose—this search leads people to emptiness, heartache, and loneliness because only God can fill that void we all search to fill. Jesus brings healing and in turn wants His people to be a light and city on a hill—to be culture-setters that point people back to Him. I believe God’s Church (with a capital C) is meant to actively seek the lost and hurting and especially equipped to do amazing things—if we are willing to ‘step out of the boat’!”

Associate Pastor Tim Jones


Elder & Associate Pastor of Creative Arts

Tim’s role involves overseeing the use of media and the arts to enhance services and reach those outside the church walls. This specifically involves our media team, tech team, videography, as well as worship services. Tim has a gift for taking ideas and dreams and “making them happen”—his kind heart, passion for God’s Word, and his willingness to “think outside the box” have been a crucial part of the team. In his words, “I love seeing people grow, change, and be released from the weight of sin. When they finally ‘get it.’ Media is one way that can happen and is a personal passion of mine. Combining the two allows me to use my specific gifts and abilities for God.”




Associate Pastor of Community and Discipleship

Connection Team Leader Blake Castle


Rise Youth Pastor


Ministry Team Leaders

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Ministry Coordinator

Emma serves as Ministry Coordinator at The Remnant, a role in which she helps all aspects of ministry at the church by handling logistics of projects in order to free ministry leaders to focus on “the bigger picture”. She has been a crucial addition to the team and is excited to help The Remnant’s various goals and dreams become reality. In her own words, “I view ministry as a puzzle—when doing a puzzle, it can be annoying to find all the ‘sky pieces’ but it’s more satisfying and easier to find the ‘scenery pieces’. I love my role as Ministry Coordinator because I get to take the monotonous process of finding the ‘sky pieces’ off the hands of our leaders, which allows them to focus on the ‘beautiful scenery’. Then, in the end, we all have the privilege of seeing how the whole ‘puzzle’ comes together!”


Connections Team Leader

Food Ministry Leader Jill Jones


Food Ministry Leader

Jill heads up the food ministry at The Remnant which is a vital part of the church’s unique, “Community Time”. In this hour before service, Jill and her team provide a FREE meal that serves over 70 people a week. One of the most hospitable people one could meet, she brings her gift and passion for this in her role at the church. As she puts it, “The meal provides a time to assist that process [of making connections], which allows people to feel welcomed, with the goal of them wanting to continue to come and to grow towards Christ. A lot of times, visitors can be missed with the quick arrival and departure before and after service, and [they] miss feeling those connections. It is also a ministry that provides a neat opportunity to connect—all for free!”

Worship Leader Mandy Malless

MANDY Blanton

Worship Team Leader & Women’s Ministry Coordinator

Mandy serves in two roles at The Remnant. As Worship Team Leader, she uses her phenomenal voice and passion to lead the church in worship. As Women’s Ministry Coordinator, she leads the thriving women’s ministry that meets weekly. In her own words, “There is nothing that I love more than worshipping the Lord! My favorite part of the worship ministry is when I can just put my hands in the air, in surrender, and the entire room keeps worshipping and I don’t even need to ‘lead‘ it, and my favorite part of the Women’s Ministry is seeing women, who have been broken and [don’t trust easily], open up and be vulnerable with their sisters!”

David Lude


Audio Engineer

David uses his impressive musical talent to serve as Audio Engineer, in which he creates new mixes and monitors sound levels to help amplify service. In his own words, “Once while listening to the song, ‘10,000 Reasons’, I was struck by the scene described in Revelation in which thousands of angels worshiped The Lord, and it opened my eyes to the beauty of worship in the church. Worship is just the disciples of Jesus singing perfect praise to our God. I have become motivated to put my ‘humanness’ to the side and perform in order to open the doors of our members’ hearts in order to allow The Holy Spirit to move freely throughout our church walls and through that, we make worship an intentional PRAISE.”

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Cleaning Team Leader

Sierra serves as the leader of the church’s cleaning team, which keeps the building looking inviting and comfortable for those that visit.


Prayer Team Leader